There is little you can do with the money you earn from your regular job. Aside from the fact that it is so easy to get into debt because of the wait you have to do for your salaries, the money you would be getting might not even be enough to cover your daily expenses. The first thing you would think about is to get a part time job, even two. But the exhaustion you would feel, plus the time away from your family may be too much for you to handle. You will be more stressed, more anxious, and sicker of your life each day. Moreover, if you cannot already handle the demands of your first supervisor, how much more can you take from two or more additional bosses to contend with?
If you are looking for a way to augment your earnings without the hassles of having to apply for another table job, then the cleaning industry might just be the answer. There is not much requirements to fill for you to be able to present yourself as a cleaner, you just need to know the fundamentals of dusting, vacuuming, and maybe window washing and you are all set. Although other people may say that cleaning is below your credentials, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that the financial rewards you can reap from a cleaning business may be more than what you have expected from a second and part time job.
If you are convinced that you can do cleaning jobs well, then you can start looking into the possibilities of you getting cleaning clients on a part time basis. It would do no harm to you if you try office cleaning for a couple of months. There are a good number of companies that look to outsource their janitorial services because it would mean fewer costs on their part. Typically, you will be handling cleaning after office hours for about two hours each day. That would most likely earn you a good $200 a week, and that is the most modest estimate. Plus, you get paid every time you finish a cleaning appointment which means your financial satisfaction is to be had right away.
Instead of focusing on finding a part time job bussing tables or crewing for a fast food joint, cleaning offices on your own would give you a better salary. You might even want to make it a full time job as soon as possible. Think about it – if you hire a couple of other cleaners for your office cleaning business, then it automatically becomes a small business venture of your own. Having a few more hands to keep up with all the cleaning appointments you have will earn you triple the amount you used to make cleaning on your own.
If you do not want to do the cleaning yourself and you are still happy with the job you have, your part time job could be treated as a full time small business. Take care of your office cleaning business remote from your day office or even your home and you will be cleaning your way to a stable cash account.
For more: How to start an office cleaning service
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03-30-2009, 04:24 AM #1
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An Office Cleaning Business? It Can Make a Difference
03-30-2009, 05:27 AM #2
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Great ideas here, thanks for this article :)