Dear Traders

Here is another server side script for trailing stop for VertexFx system. This script will monitor all open positions from server side even after closing your client terminal. It will open SLTP position with Stop Loss settings and trail that based on your setting. In this script you can set a profit target that will be executed when price moves positively. With a profit target setting other than 0 trailing stop function remain disabled. Here we have another option to monitor all open position or a particular instrument. Here is summary of all options available in this script –

1. Trailing Stop Loss which is chart specific
2. AllPositions - Trailing Stop Loss which is account specific attach to any chart and it will modify stop loss on all trades.
3. ProfitTrailing - Modify only trades that are in profit
4. ProfitTarget - Setting this value orhter than 0 will disable trailing and close trades that reached this target

Please test it on a demo account first to confirm all functionality before using in real money account.

Visit here to get the script for free:
