PvaMagic.com is a full service Craigslist Services provider . We provide everything from Craigslist posting to PVAs to
remote DSLs . You name it and we do it as far as Craigslist is concerned.

Founded in 2008 ,PVAMagic.com has worked with many Companies who are interested in Craigslist Phone numbers. We Offer Top
Quality Phone Numbers at Competitive Prices with Excellent Customer Service

Our CraigsList Phone numbers are some of the highest quality you will find online along with the best
prices in the industry. As a craigslist marketers, we created this site because we understand the value of a good PVA and
more importantly, we know the value of your time and money.

Our Phone numbers price is the lowest in the market and with the Highest Quality.

Please check us at www.pvamagic.com for our Low market pricings .

Best Regards,
Ella Gary,